Solid Carbide Drills
Forbes has been producing a comprehensive line of high-performance drills for machining steel, stainless steel, nonferrous metals, cast iron, and super alloys. These drills are available as standard in L/D ratios of 3, 5, and 7, with solid and through coolant options. Custom solution drills with high performance geometries can be delivered by an in-house design workbench.
Solid carbide endmills
Forbes has been manufacturing high performance end mills under the brand name Totem for many years and has a diverse range of end mills for die and mould, roughing, milling graphite, non ferrous materials, and aerospace applications.
Spiral Point Taps
- The cutting load is distributed and the thread chamfer has 4.5 threads.
- Stronger tap due to shallow flute depth.
- The tap forces the chip forward, eliminating chip clogging and extending tool life.
TCT Annular Cutters
- Top-notch Tungsten Carbide tips for ply-cutting and reduced friction.
- Increased chip removal through multi-cut geometry.
Thread Mill
Totem has released a Thread Mill with a variety of thread forms to the market. The usual thread forms for these thread mills are listed below (M, MF, UNC, UNF, UNEF, MJ, UNJ, NPT, NPTF, BSP, BSPT)
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